Able Active integrates with datasets published under the Irish Public Sector open data initiative and from other trusted sources.

Slí na Sláinte
Inclusive Urban Trails across Ireland - by Irish Heart Foundation

Tide Forecasts
by Marine Institute

Beach Wheelchair Locations
by Bailieboro Supplies
Bathing Water Locations
Beaches and inland Swim Sports; Water Quality alerts - by EPA

Towpath Trails
Canal bridges and other points of interest along Blueways in Kildare

Weather Forecasts
County Forecast, Point Forecast, Weather Alerts, Sea-area Forecast - by Met Èireann

Get Ireland Active
National Trails, Greenways and Blueways - by Sport Ireland
Do you have a dataset that would benefit Able Active users?
Get in touch and we'll explore options on the best approaches - and you'll receive a plugin configured to allow you to publish it on your own website too.