European Space Agency (ESA) funding

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Surpass Sport Systems successful under the European Space Agency (ESA) #KickStart call on Inclusion and Accessibility in Sport.

The objectives for the project are to map and promote trails and amenities for people with disabilities, and to capture feedback from users based on their experience.

The feedback will build into an accessibility rating - by disability, offering better information on accessibility based on other users with similar needs.

The project will be delivered as Able Active, a mobile app for iPhone and Android, which will also allow users to record their own trails, connect with friends and family and coordinate planning of outdoor activities for a safer and more enjoyable experience.

For those interested in technology, the app utilises the Global Navigation Satelite System (GNSS) receiver as found in most modern mobile devices, connected to ESA Galileo navigation satelites.

The app also includes weather forecasts, which ultimately are based on the Copernicus Earth Observation services.